tisdag 13 oktober 2020

Skotten i Ådalen, häxor och annat


Idag besökte vi minnesmonumentet över skotten i Ådalen, samt häxberget, en bit därifrån.

Det slog mig, medan jag vandrade på stigen tillbaka till bilen efter att ha sett minnesstenarna vid häxberget att, dessa två saker har mer med varandra att göra än vad det kan verka som. Bägge skedde i en tid av förändring. Häxprocesserna kom i en tid då vi, enligt historieindelningen, tagit oss ur den ”mörka medeltiden”. Samhället gick framåt. Saker blev bättre. Och så, plötsligt (men ändå inte) så började det pratas om häxor. Dessa kvinnor, och ibland män, som innan varit vanliga människor. Lite egna ibland, kunniga inom olika områden. Och inte så gudfruktiga som det förväntades.

Och så Ådalen då. 1931. Världen borde och har varit på väg framåt, men sedan några år drabbats av en stor, framförallt industriell, depression. Allt dessa arbetare ville var att överleva.

Det kunde dock inte kapitalet tillåta. Dramatiskt, javisst. Trots allt är det ganska så dramatiskt att skjuta folk som demonstrerar för rättvisa förhållanden, mot lönesänkningar, mot strejkbrytare och mot att behandlas som skräp.

Jag ser en tydlig koppling till dagens samhälle. Vi var på väg framåt. Vi blev mer jämlika,mer jämställa och samhället blev tryggare för alla. I den andan föddes jag och växte upp. Sen hände annat i mitt liv, och en dag stannade jag upp och insåg att det fria, det jämlika, det trygga jag växte upp med höll på att försvinna. Jag förstod inte först vad som hände, det var på något sätt diffust, men ändå tydligt. Idag ser jag mer. Grundstenarna i landet raseras, medvetet. När de sedan inte fungerar går det att påpeka att de inte fungerar, och införa privata alternativ. Tryggheten försvinner. Jämlikheten försvinner. Friheten är snart borta. Vi har rester kvar som gör att samhället går runt, någorlunda. Men det kommer nog inte att vara så länge till.

Mammons hantlangare har sedan flera decennier gjort sitt yttersta för att modellera fram människor med underutvecklad empati och ett sjukligt stort ego. Och även om resultatet av naturliga skäl inte blir en helt homogen robotlik grupp människor så påverkar det ändå väldigt mycket. Människor växer upp och får lära sig, i skolan, att företagande och framgång är allt.

När folk protesterar skriker kapitalet i högan sky. Idag skjuts inte människor (än). Idag bränns inte människor på bål (än). Men vi har redan inträtt i ett slags förstadium till den typen av händelser.

Jag vet att många tycker att jag överdriver. Är outhärdligt idealistisk och naiv. Har fel.

Det skiter jag i. Jag bryr mig om människor. Jag vill att alla ska ha det bra. Och jag tänker inte acceptera att leva i ett samhälle där ”godhetsknarkare” är ett begrepp, som om det är något dåligt att bry sig om människor.

Jag är inte naiv. Jag är en luttrad och tidvis ganska gnällig kärring, och jag tänker fan inte sluta bry mig.

söndag 12 april 2020


So, it is hard times right now. We are avoiding contact with others, we isolate and hide in our homes, much of the time. And I have noticed that it affects me in a way I didn't realise.

Many who read this knows I have been in a relationship with mental abuse. Not everyone knows how long the relationship was, or how sever the abuse was.

Or, that there was also other kinds of abuse.
When experts talk about abuse in close relationships, they talk about a few different kinds (that often overlap and is intertwined). Physical, mental, sexual and ecomical, for instance.
I have experiened all but direct physical abuse. I say direct, because, when I went to therapy, my therapist told me that threats about physical violence also counts as physical violene. At first I didn't understand what he was talking about, but then he explained that for instance, when my ex got mad and smashed a hole in a bookshelf door, that was a threat. He didn't have to say it or even hint it by then. I got scared, I paniced. I became easier to control again. He probably didn't even think of it or plan it. They don't always do that. They are so in tune with you, it goes on instinct.

The whole relationship I felt unsure and afraid. The later years I was actively scared, 24/7. And I didn't know why. I didn't know at that point what was happening to me. I was so brainwashed, I thought there was something wrong with me. That I was doing something. My ex used to call me egoistic and self centered. I even went to see a psycologist to help me not be so egoistic. He probably didn't understand why I was there. (Also, he was an idiot, he should have understood what was going on by the things I told him.)

I have been brainwashed. I mean that litteraly. It's in the medical journal about my stress diagnos I think. I have been subjected to gaslighting. I have been raped. I have been controlled. I have trauma. PTSD. CPTSD. I have repressed memories. I get flashbacks. I have had people telling me that I sound so emotionless when I talk about this. That I dont seem to suffer from it. That maybe, I am exaggerating or even lying.

If you have no experience of trauma you should shut up. 

It is so hard to talk about this, so very hard, you have no idea. Sometimes, I have to focus all my will power to say these things. And I want to talk about it, sort of naturaly, if that makes sense. I don't want it to be a ”forbidden” topic. This hurts people. People die from mental abuse as well. Just not in the same way. But..

… Have you ever been in a car, on the highway, going at about 120 km/h, and your abuser is talking to you, using all his skills, and you feel dead. You feel like you are already dead. You don't see a way out. You grab the door handle of the car and you... just want to open it. Throw yourself out in the highway. You don't want to exist anymore.

I have.
I have had my hand on that door handle many times. I have unbuckled my seatbelt about three times, I think. I don't remember. I have quite a lot of memory loss from those incidents. The thought of my kids helped me to not throw myself out in the traffic.

Why am I writing this now you ask? Isn't there more important things in the world right now? Shouldn't we all focus on the pandemic instead?

Well.. the pandemic is actually what made me write this. Since this whole thing started, most people have likely been feeling (in addition too all other things they've been feeling) a low key, constant stress, of the fight or flight kind. Quite natural under the circumstances. But for people with trauma this can be really devastating. When you are used to live with that low key fight or flight stress, panic etc, from before, it takes a rather big toll on you. It awakens memories. It makes you react to things in weird ways.

I am developing a depression. My stress is getting worse again. I am not well.

But it doesn't really show. Unless you know me very, very well. And, I am not the only one with these experiences. We are many. And then there are the people that right now are in an abusive relationship. They are many. So many you wouldn't believe. And, again, we hear a lot of how domestic abuse has gone up horribly during this time of isolation. This is scary, horrifying. and, again, the reports mostly show physical abuse. only.
The hidden numbers are uncountable. The different kinds of aid, and help solutions and ways to secretly report are so wonderful, but also, not always the best way for all kinds of abuse. We who have no physical scars are often overlooked. And sadly (which is not Corona related), we are often not believed or seen as abuse victims at all.

I just want you to be aware. Be there. Look out for your fellow humans. We are all valid and we deserve to be treated decently.

Oh, and btw. 20 years. That's how long my abusive relationship was.

onsdag 22 januari 2020

I have reached my fuck it age!

I am writing this in english.
I'm far too good at stating the obvious.. but oh well …

I have been thinking a lot about how we grow and mature as humans. As persons and individuals. What it means to become an adult, to be mature and to find ourselvs and all that wich people talk about. You start off as a child. You grow, physically and mentally, and you evolve, you mature and you keep growing. But why is it that so many people, the majority it seems, think of ”mature” and ”adult” in a way that indicates boring and strict?

Why are we expected to become less playful? Why is specific styles in clothing and personality deemed ”wrong” for an adult? I never got this, but I have spent way too much time in my life trying to adhere to unwritten rules that I never saw a reason for.

Finding my true self, and it wasn't so much finding as rediscovering, has been, and still is, a wonderful thing. I am in no way done yet either. I still find out more of who I am in different aspects. And I am learning to be who I am. Completely. Inside and out. This does not mean I will run around naked in the streets just because I found out I like to be naked outside in the summer. I do that on my own turf, and does not subject other too it, for their sake. But I do it. And I do so much more.

I find clothes I like. Really, really like. Not as in, ”I guess this is ok, and people will not react” but ”I fucking love this thing with ALL THE COLOURS, and I will wear it wherever I want!!” I will wear my cap, or a hat or a bonnet or a scarf, I will wear pink plush pants everywhere I go, or a skirt that people think I am crazy for wearing to the store. I will have all the haircolours I want. I will dance, not like nobody is looking, because I DON´T CARE, but like I feel like. I will dance as much or as little as my body can handle. I will sing, I will play, I will slaugter monsters in videogames, I will read, I will draw, paint, sculpt, I will do woodcarving and I will ride around in our old hippiebus with my wonderful, awesome man who is himself just like I am myself.
And we are both childish and mature. Adults and silly. We are ourselfs as much as we can.

It took so much time to get here ….
But I will never ever leave!

My blog links

My life in photos My old photoblog.

Living with the monkeyboys My old blog about the kids and their problems.

Explaining mental abuse My blog about mental abuse. I started it as a help for myself to work with all the remaining issues of my experience of this.

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